How to say Shut the fuck up in any language!

Language Phrase Meaning
Ape Ouu Aaah Haaa Aaaaaa! shut the fuck up
Azerbaijani sokh ichive shut the fuck up.
Creole bouss liki shut the fuck up
Creole (mauritian) bousse to liki; Bousse impe to gran liki shut the fuck up
Creole haitian mafu to dayo shut the fuck up
Dutch (holland/belgium) Hou je fokking bek! shut the fuck up
Flemish (belgium) Uw bakkes shut the fuck up
French ferme ta putain de gueule, connard shut the fuck up, bitch
German Halt de fick klappe; Halt die Fresse shut the fuck up
Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor shut the fuck up!!!
Indian , kannada Mukli muchkondu kutko cover your ass and shut the fuck up
Indian , kannada Saak thika muchappa shut the fuck up
Kreole (seychelles) bous ou fes shut the fuck up
Latvian Aizpis muti! shut the fuck up!
Norwegian Hold for faen kjeft! shut the fuck up!
Police You have the right to remain silent shut the fuck up!
Porn Shut the fuck up thomas fuck me harder
Portuguese Cala-te, cabrao do caralho! shut the fuck up you bastard!
Portuguese (brazil) Cale a porra da boca shut the fuck up
Quebecois Ta Gueule (or Ta 'Yeule) shut the fuck up
Russian Zatknis' na hui shut the fuck up
Russian Zavali yebalo shut the fuck up!
Slovak Drz picu ! shut the fuck up !
Somali nigga amos shut the fuck up
Spanish (guatemala) sho pizado shut the fuck up
Spanish (mexico) C�llate a tu pinch� madre shut the fuck up motherfucker
Spanish (spain) C�llate la boca (kayate la boka); vete a l'infierno shut the fuck up
Texting STFU shut the fuck up
Yoda up the shut fuck you must shut the fuck up

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